Braamie and I have this ritual. We listen to the Mozart requiem and drink wine when a beloved pet dies. We don't have pets yet, but our friends do and they die. So now we are listening to the requiem and getting a little drunk to celebrate the life of Mufaza [sic], Braamie's mother's sister's recently deceased cat.
Also, great news for Haydn fans: I rediscovered a CD of symphonies 93, 94 and 103 performed by Solistes EuropĆ©ens Luxembourg. The recording is mind-blowingly awesome. I whistled the theme from the last movement of the 103 during my visit to the Gardens Centre where I had a very pleasant banking experience and asked the Russian lady at the Ć¼berexpensive kitchen store about appliances to make smoothies. She recommends the Bosch MMB2000 600 Watt Blender.
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